
Lists: dreams, intentions, and people

Here comes our favorite part of the MyLife framework. We’ve assembled the most inspiring exercises for you that would give you a sense of joy, connectedness, and growth. These are formed as “Lists” in the framework, and the idea behind them is to always add something as you progress in life, meet new people, and come up with new dreams.

🚀 Action

Write down your 100 Dreams, create a list of people you want to stay in touch with, write down your intentions for the next 12 months, and get accustomed to the “Reflections” template.

Bonus: We have prepared an outstanding framework for reading. Learn better, remember everything and implement new knowledge in life with the “My Books” template.

🤔 The Why

MyLife is a framework to organize life, so just setting goals isn’t enough. Therefore we’ve added missing crucial elements: dreams, people, books (learning), intentions, and reflections. Dreams and intentions give us power, fuel, and motivation to move forward. People and our connections are the keys to happiness and fulfillment in life. And reflection is a key element of growth.

🧐 The How

Open the MyLife framework in Notion, and see the right column that is called “Lists”. Tap on My 100 Dreams and try to spend a few hours just dreaming about things you want. The good news is that you can always come back and add (or cross out) items from that list.

“Intentions” is a great way to set both high-level and specific intentions for the year.

My People is a template for those with whom you want to stay in touch regularly. Oftentimes, social media doesn’t serve that purpose, so we created a great template where you can add those who matter the most to you.

The reflection template is phenomenal and serves as great guidance for monthly reflection. All you have to do is to tap on Reflection, select the right month (we recommend doing it at the end of every month), and go through the framework.

📚 References and resources

1. 5 ways to kill your dreams - Bel Pesce, TED

2. Really achieving your childhood dreams - Randy Pausch, TED

3. Reflection - The Power of Reflection by Becoming Your Best podcast Leadership Series - Becoming Your Best

4. Study on happiness - Good genes are nice, but joy is better - The Harvard Gazette